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  1. Text Messaging as a Method to Increase Oral Chemotherapy Adherence in Hispanic Cancer Populations

    23 Nov 2015 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): Laura Leticia Nervi, Barbara Damron, Andrew Sussman, Dolores Guest

    Title: Text Messaging as a Method to Increase Oral Chemotherapy Adherence in Hispanic Cancer Populations:  Patient and Provider Feasibility Surveys Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of conducting an interventional study to evaluate the effectiveness of text...

  2. The Boston Medical Center Patient Navigation Toolkit

    22 Dec 2015 | Downloads

    The BMC Toolkit offers case studies, tools and resources from cancer care navigation that can be applied to reduce the impact of the target disease, health disparities, and barriers to care unique to your own community. For Program Planners, Volume 1: Developing your Patient Navigation...

  3. UCSC Biomedical Evidence Graph Demonstration

    03 Jun 2015 | Presentations | Contributor(s): Josh Stuart, ellrott

    The BMEG demonstration includes the following elements: 1) Organization of crowd-source challenges to develop best-of-breed methods including an overview of current DREAM projects, living benchmarks; 2) Enabling cloud-ready methods for mass compute with examples of recently...

  4. Understanding Colorectal Cancer to Protect our Communities

    24 Nov 2015 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): NCI

    This is a teaching material originally developed by NCI. 

  5. Video: Learn how TIES can help manage research resources

    16 Jan 2015 | Presentations | Contributor(s): Girish Chavan, Rebecca Crowley