[MainPage Wiki Main Page] [HTTupdates All Updates] Subject of this announcement: Hi everyone, For those that did, thank you for providing letters of support for our project: “High-throughput truthing of microscope slides to validate artificial intelligence algorithms analyzing digital scans of pathology slides: data (images + annotations) as an FDA-qualified medical device development tool (MDDT)” The submitted proposal is at this [HighThroughputTruthingYear2 link]. There are many collaborators on this project. Please read the proposal as it is “the plan”. I recommend that you also read the letters of support ([HighThroughputTruthingYear2collaborators LINK]). They make me confident that the plan will actually happen. If more are received, they will be added. Please join https://nciphub.org/groups/eedapstudies where the wiki is located. I want us to communicate, plan, share, and archive through this portal. Otherwise, my email box and brain will explode. If you have internal or external colleagues that want to stay in the loop, they can join this group too. Coming next is an attempt to organize a kickoff meeting to walk through the plan.